Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Time!

So...as usual I am way behind in my blogging! It's probably because I am chasing around a running 11 month old! She is a busy bee! Here are a couple of recent pictures. More to come after Christmas...Madison has already mastered pulling bows off gifts and trying to unwrap things! So Christmas day should be really fun!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

In October we went to the Pumpkin Patch with Evan & Eli. The kids weren't sure about it! But Ashley & I thought it was a great photo opp!

Madiso was more interested in eating the straw!

Evan giving Madi a kiss!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Cruise

Jerrad, Madison & I took a cruise the second week of October with Jerrad's parents, grandparents and sister. We had a blast on our 7-Day cruise! Here are some highlights!

Jerrad & Madison at Dinner!
Madison loved the towel animals left in our room each night!

Madison with crazy hair after a bath!

Our family on formal night

Grandmom & Grandan on formal night

Madi & Grandmom

Madison & towel animal

Madison eating - and not excited about it

Our talented child blowing spit bubbles! :) haha

Madison passed out from all the excitment

Trying to walk on sea legs - not easy

Madison & Daddy dancing

Towel animal with Bonnie the Bulldog

Our first stop - Montego Bay
Grandmom & Madison on the beach

Sporting a mohawk!

Our Boat - The Conquest

Napping in Grand Cayman

Jerrad & Katy at Dinner

Madison & Grambo dancing with our waiter Ieputu

Madison loves Grandmom's pretty necklace

Celebrating Ma'am's birthday
